NAMA Guidebook: Manual for practitioners working with mitigation actions, 2015

Preface: Introduction to the third edition of the NAMA Guidebook

Three years ago we have decided to create a tool that can be useful for all those in the process of learning wthat Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions are. In retrospective, we were well aware about the continuously evolving character that NAMAs might pose, considering that everyone was experimenting or engaging in a learning-by-doing’ process. In that sense, rather than writing recipes to conduct projects, we provided a platform for all those who wanted to share their experiences (good and bad) in the formulation and conduction of NAMAs.

It gives us great satisfaction to know the level of acceptance that the NAMA Guidebooks (first and second edition) have received, from both sides: Those who wanted to use this Guidebook as a reference material in trainings and capacity building activities, and those who shared knowledge by contributing experiences in the Guidebook. The current edition is in part, a result of this interaction.

In order to find the main theme for this edition, we have conducted a small research at the intersessional climate change meetings in Bonn. As a result, we found out that the focus was now moving towards the implementation of ‘Transformation NAMAs’. Here, we restrain ourselves to provide a difinition since many valuable concepts are provided in this edition, but we invite our readers to see how these concepts are becoming a key factor when designing NAMAs. In that sense, and similarly to the previous two editions, we provide some theoretical concepts in Section I and some case studies in Section II as a reference.

Given the importance of the transformational aspect in future NAMAs, we have also started a small survey in order to decipher what kind of challenges and issues in the design, planning and implementation of ‘Transformational NAMAs’ are faced by developing cuontries. Some preliminary result and conclusions are provided in the final section.

Miguel Jiro Ogahara

Senior Researcher

Overseas Environmenttal Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

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