Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Biến đổi khí hậu

Thành tựu nghiên cứu TT Nghiên cứu BĐKH

Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Biến đổi khí hậu được thành lập theo Quyết định số 1116/QĐ-BTNMT ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2011 của Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường.

Biến đổi khí hậu là một trong những thách thức lớn nhất đối với nhân loại trong thế kỷ 21. Hiện nay, biến đổi khí hậu không chỉ là vấn đề môi trường, không còn là vấn đề của một ngành riêng lẻ mà chính là vấn đề của phát triển bền vững. Trong bối cảnh đó, từ khi thành lập đến nay, Trung tâm Nghiên cứu biến đổi khí hậu đã thực hiện nhiều chương trình, đề tài nghiên cứu, ứng dụng khoa học công nghệ,… liên quan đến vấn đề này.

          Các hoạt động khoa học công nghệ của Trung tâm Nghiên cứu biến đổi khí hậu được triển khai thực hiện ở cả 2 cấp: сấp nhà nước, cấp bộ. Trong giai đoạn 2011- 2015, Trung Tâm đã thực hiện nhiều đề tài nhánh thuộc đề tài NCKH cấp nhà nước. Giai đoạn này Trung tâm đã hoàn thành 2 đề tài cấp nhà nước và nhiều đề tài cấp bộ cũng như cấp tỉnh và các dự án hợp tác nước ngoài. Các đề tài đã được thực hiện với kết quả tốt và xuất sắc, góp phần quan trọng vào công cuộc phát triển KT-XH bền vững trong bối cảnh biến đổi khí hậu, quy hoạch vùng và phòng chống thiên tai.


   Một số đề tài, dự án nổi bật về lĩnh vực biến đổi khí hậu trung tâm đã và đang thực hiện như sau:


Tên đề tài, dự án

Thời gian

(Bắt đầu – kết thúc)

Thuộc chương trình

Tình trạng

(đã nghiệm thu – chưa nghiệm thu)


Nghiên cứu cơ sở khoa học tính toán bồi lắng hệ thống hồ chứa bậc thang. Áp dụng thí điểm cho sông Đà


Đề tài cấp bộ

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu hiệu quả kinh tế trong giảm nhẹ khí nhà kính cho lĩnh vực quản lý chất thải

2015 -2017

Đề tài cấp bộ

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu mô hình cộng đồng quản lý tài nguyên nước bền vững tại đồng bằng sông Cửu Long. Nghiên cứu trường hợp hai tỉnh: Cà Mau và Hậu Giang


Đề tài cấp bộ

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu phát triển bộ chỉ số thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu phục vụ công tác quản lý nhà nước về biến đổi khí hậu.

2013 – 2015

Đề tài cấp nhà nước

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu ứng dụng và phát triển mô hình công nghệ tích hợp tiên tiến có tận thu và sử dụng năng lượng tái tạo để xử lý hiệu quả bền vững nguồn thải hỗn hợp rắn – lỏng từ các lò giết mổ tập trung.

2014 – 2015

Đề tài cấp nhà nước

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu cơ sở khoa học xây dựng bộ chỉ số căng thẳng tài nguyên nước có xét đến mục tiêu phát triển kinh tế xã hội ở Việt Nam


Đề tài cấp Bộ

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu những tác động biến đổi khí hậu đối với tỉnh Quảng Ngãi; các giải pháp thích ứng và ứng phó


Đề tài cấp tỉnh

Đã nghiệm thu


Điều tra, nghiên cứu và đánh giá sơ bộ tác động đến đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (Việt Nam) của các kịch bản biến đổi khí hậu trong xu thế phát triển tài nguyên nước của các quốc gia thượng lưu sông Mê Công và đề xuất các giải pháp ứng phó

Đã nghiệm thu


Mê Kông chống chịu với biến đổi khí hậu: Nuôi dưỡng dòng chảy sự sống.

2012 – 2014

Dự án với Viện Di Sản Thiên Nhiên Hoa Kỳ

Đã nghiệm thu

10 Tăng cường năng lực thực hiện kiểm kê quốc gia khí nhà kính tại Việt Nam.

2011 – 2013

Dự án JICA

Đã nghiệm thu

11 Tương tác giữa sử dụng đất và BĐKH – Nghiên cứu cho lưu vực sông Thu Bồn – Vu Gia.

2011 – 2013

Dự án của Viện Khoa học Thuỷ Lợi Việt Nam và Đại học Khoa học ứng dụng Cologne

Đã nghiệm thu

12 Hỗ trợ Chương trình mục tiêu quốc gia ứng phó với Biến đổi khí hậu: lĩnh vực năng lượng – giao thông.


Dự án với ADB TA 779-VIE

Đã nghiệm thu

13 Nghiên cứu về hành động giảm nhẹ phát thải khí nhà kính phù hợp với điều kiện quốc gia (NAMA) trong lĩnh vực quản lý chất thải theo cách đo lường, báo cáo và kiểm chứng.

· Pha I: 2012 – 2013

 · Pha II: 2013 – 2014

Dự án phối hợp với Trung tâm Hợp tác Quốc tế về Môi trường Nhật Bản

Đã nghiệm thu


Lồng ghép BĐKH trong xây dựng kế hoạch phát triển KTXH.


Dự án Trung tâm Tư vấn Ứng dụng và chuyển giao Công nghệ về KTTV

Đã nghiệm thu


Xây dựng bộ văn bản pháp luật và chính sách tại ba nước nhằm giảm sự phát thải từ phá rừng và suy thoái rừng (REED), và tăng cường việc sử dụng hệ sinh thái đa mục tiêu.


Dự án với UNEP

Đã nghiệm thu


Ứng dụng bản đồ GIS để xây dựng bản đồ chỉ huy phòng tránh lũ lụt tỉnh Quảng Nam: đã hoàn thiện phần dự báo lũ, đang tiếp tục hoàn thiện phần cảnh báo ngập lụt bằng mô hình MIKE 21.


Đề tài nhánh trong khuân khổ dự án cấp nhà nước thuộc chương trình nông thôn miền núi

Đã nghiệm thu


Nghiên cứu xây dựng phương pháp đánh giá tình trạng dễ bị tổn thương, đề xuất giải pháp ứng phó trong lĩnh vực nông nghiệp do tác động của BĐKH.


Đề tài

cấp Bộ

Đã nghiệm thu


Xây dựng Chương trình khoa học công nghệ quốc gia về BĐKH.

2010 – 2011

CN Đề tài nhánh trong khuân khổ

Đề tài cấp Nhà nước

Đã nghiệm thu


Tham gia xây dựng kế hoạch hành động về biến đổi khí hậu quốc gia.


Dự án Bộ TNMT trình chính phủ

Đã nghiệm thu


Xây dựng kế hoạch hành động và ứng phó với biến đổi khí hậu tỉnh Quảng Ngãi


Đã nghiệm thu



1. Introduction:

Climate Change Research Center (CCRC) is a governmental and pulic scientific and technological research entity belonging to the Viet Nam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (IMHEN), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).

CCRC key functions are fundamental and applied scientific research, technological development as well as postgraduate (PhD) training in the fields related to climate change, including (but not limited to) climate change science; impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change; disaster risk reduction; mitigation of green house gases; green growth, economics of climate change and sustainable development.

The CCRC has been established in 2011, on basis of the IMHEN’s Division of Climate Change Research. Its activities build on the nearly 40-year tradition of fundamental and basic research on the topics of meteorology, climatology, climate change, hydrology, environment, water resources agro-meteorolgy and oceanology of the IMHEN.

2. Vision and Mission

The CCRC’s Long-term Vision is:

Becoming a leading center of excellence and science-technological research and academic entity in Viet Nam and in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in the fields of climate change, disasters risk management, sustainable development, environmental and natural resources management. Policy and institutional advocacy in the field of climate change, including policies and mechanisms for both adaptation and GHG reduction;

CCRC’s Mission is:

Providing scientific basis, reliable and evidence-based scientific information, knowledge, technologies to target audiences (policy makers, planners, authorities, the public and the clients); conducting high-quality scientific and technological research and studies for the state governance and policy making process, the development and implementation of strategies, policies, and plans; providing high-quality PhD training in the fields of climate change science, adaptation to and mitigation of climate change, green growth, economics of climate change, disaster risk reduction, sustainable development as well as natural resources and environment management.

3. Mandates, Functions and Services

What we do and for whom?

One of the CCRC’s key mandates and functions are to conduct science-technological, experimental and applied research and provide services in the fields of climate change, including:

· CC Impacts and adaptation: Current state and future trends of climate change; assessment of risks, impacts of and vulnerability to climaiếnte change and natural disasters; measures and options to adapt to climate change and to reduce disasters risks;

· CC Mitigation: GHG inventory; options, mechanisms and opportunities to reduce the GHG emission towards lower carbon economy and sustainable development, including Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC);

· Green growth and economics of climate change: Scientific basis for green growth and low-carbon economy; Analyses and studies on economic aspects of climate change – cost, benefits and potential opportunities that climate change may bring

· Research and Development (R&D); application of scientific progresses and transfer of technologies related to climate change and sustainable development, including technology improvement for environment protection and cleaner production;

· Policy research; mainsteaming/integration of climate change issues into socio-economic strategies, policies and plans as well as development planning at sectoral and provincial/local level;

· Research and technologies for monitoring and reporting, database and softwares related to climate change research

· The CCRC also has function to provide postgraduated education, such as PhD training and research, capacity building and short-term trainings in the fields of climate change and sustainable development and contribute to PhD training in other fields under the IMHEN’s mandates;

Other functions of CCRC and services being provided are:

· Policy and institutional advocacy in the field of climate change, including policies and mechanisms for both adaptation and GHG reduction;

· Participate in quality assurance of activities, projects, and programmes in the fields of hydro-meteorology, environment and climate change

· Provide scientific basis, knowledge and information for Vietnam’s participation in global and regional climate change negotiation process;

· International cooperation in climate change related research programmes, projects and studies, including participation and contribution to international and regional working groups, networks and initiatives;

· Conduct and provide consultancy services in the fields of climate change, environment and hydro-meteorology within the mandates and expertise of the Center an IMHEN.

· Provide information and communications products, including bulletins, newsletters and report cards on climate change, disasters management and related fields;

4. Core Values

Why us, what makes us different

On the way toward a center of excellence on climate change research in Viet Nam and in Greater Mekong Subregion, we see the core values of our Center – the CCRC – in following qualities:

Competency: Competency and capacity of staff and quality of research works and services are one of the key issues we care about. Our staff are well educated, have many years of technical and practical experience in fields related to climate change such as meteorology, hydrology, environment, climate and socio-economic modeling. They are highly motivated young researchers, knowledgible and skillfull in what they are doing and were selected from best people in their field. Human resources development and management as well as capacity building are always our priority;

Competitiveness: We always strive for best quality of our works and timely provision of products and services. Although young, we have managed to conduct and complete with quality a large amount of works, projects and programmes (see the experiences below);

Reliability, Responsiveness and Result-Based: Being a reliable and responsive partner is another core value that partners and clients appreciated while working with us – for us, the products and results of our works and services are best advertisement of our competency and competiveness; With reliable data, information and methodology, we are highly responsible in our works and services to deliver timely and high-quality products and results. Besides, we are always trying to meet the needs and requirements of our counterparts in our best muatual insterests;

Creativeness: We really do care about creative working environment and always promote the innovative way of thinking and doing within our center. Our Center is a harmonized team of devoted and creative young researchers with collective leadership, under fair, open-minded and encouraging management.

5. Organisational Structure

Our divisions, leaders board and advisory board

The CCRC consists of three divisions with special focus on different aspects of climate change research, namely adaptation, mitigation, economics of climate change and green growth:

The Division for Climate Change Adaptation Research has more focus on studies, analyses and project on climate change status and trends, assessment impacts of and vulnerability to climate change and disasters, disasters risk management and reductions.

Likewise the Division for Climate Change Mitigation Research and Division for Climate change Economics and Green Growth Research respectively have more focus on inventory and reduction of GHG emission as well as economic aspects of climate change, cost-benefit analysis and green growth.

The CCRC’s leaderboard includes one director and two deputy directors, more details about which can be found in the Human Resources section below. Besides, CCRC has senior advisory board that assists the CCRC’s functioning and direction with their strategic view and vast experiences, connections and networks.

6. Expertise and Experiences

Below are existing and current projects that the CCRC have conducted or contributed to:

1. Climate Change Mitigation related projects



Sponsor/ Partner

The Vietnam-Japan Capacity-building Cooperation and Joint Study Project for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) in a Measureable, Reportable, and Verifiable (MRV) manner in waste sector

2012 – 2013

OECC, Japan
Project Waste to Resources (W2R): Application for cities in Vietnam


Development of technical guideline for NAMA/MRV activities for Vietnam

2012 – 2013

CBCC project
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2005 and 2010 (Energy, Industrial Processes and LULUCF sectors)

2011 – 2014

Research project on policies and technology innovation for reducing greenhouse gase emissions from coastal economic zones in Vietnam

2013 – 2014

State budget
Preparation of First Biannual Update Report (BUR1) of Vietnam for submission to the UNFCCC (GHG emission projection for Energy and LULUCF sectors until 2020 and 2030)

2013 – 2014

State budget
Development of a NAMA proposal “Support for the development of wind power in Vietnam”

2013 – 2014

Contribution to the development of Vietnam Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) of for both adaptation (water resources) and mitigation components (energy , waste and LULUCF sector)

2014 – 2015

Contribution to National GHG inventory for the year 2012 (Industrial processes and Energy sectors) for preparation of the BUR2 to submit to the UNFCCC

2014 – 2015

State budget
Research project on institutional arragement for NAMAs in Vietnam

2014 – 2015

Research project on MRV system for the implementation of NAMAs in Vietnam

2014 – 2015

Development of Action Plan on Green Growth for Tay Ninh province 2015 State budget
Research project on advanced models for wastewater treatment in slaughterhouses in Vietnam 2014 – 2016 State budget
Research project on the costs and benefits of mitigation options in waste management sector. 2014 – 2016 State budget

2. Climate Policy and Adaptation related projects





National Science and Technological Research Programme “Impacts of climate change on natural environment and natural resources and strategic measures for prevention, mitigation and adaptation – towards sustainable socio-economic development in Vietnam”


State budget
Strengthening National Capacities to Respond to Climate Change in Viet Nam, Reducing Vulnerability and Controlling GHG Emissions (focus on MONRE and MARD) or CBCC project


UNDP and Danida
Contribution to the development of the National Climate change Strategy (2011) and National Action Plan to Respond to Climate Change (2012) Climate change and Sea level rise Scenarios for Vietnam (1994, 2009, 2012)


State budget
Contribution to the development and update of “Climate change and Sea level rise Scenarios for Vietnam – 2012”


State budget
Applying GIS technology for flood mapping to serve flood prevention and control activities in Quang Nam province


State and provincial budget
Development of Action Plan to Respond to Climate Change (AP.RCC) for Quang Ngai Province


State and provincial budget
Research project “Impacts of drought on socio – economic development in the Lower Red River basin and adaptation options”


State budget
Develop Decision Support System (DSS) for water resources management and exploitation in Vietnam


State budget
Contribution to project “Impacts of Climate Change in the Mekong River Delta and Adaptation Measures”


ADB and AusAID
Contribution to project “Applying Norwegian Earth system model for climate change scenario development, monsoon and climate extreme studies”


Norway (BCCR)
Contribution to project “Strengthening Capacity for Policy Research on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture and Water Sector”


APN and Kengbangsaan Univ Malaysia
Research and evaluate the potential environmental co-benefits of activities to respond to climate change in Vietnam.


CBCC project
A Climate Resilient Mekong: Maintaining the Flows that Nourish Life


Vietnam national climate assessment


CBCC project
Literature Review and Capacity Need Assessment for the MRC Climate change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI)


Mekong River Commission
Study and preliminary research of impacts of climate change on Mekong river delta (Vietnam) under the development of water resources of upstream countries and propose climate change adaptation options

2012 – 2013

MoNRE, Viet Nam
Development of adaptation indicators sets for efficiency of adaptation actions to serve the state management of climate change activities

2013 -2015

State budget
Vietnam Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX Vietnam Report)

2012 –2014

Studying and developing water stress index for Vietnam

2013 –2015

State budget
Update of Action Plan to Respond to Climate Change for Hanoi City


State and Hanoi municipality budget
Land use and CC interactions in the Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin in central Vietnam (LUCCi)

2011- 2015

FSU of Jena (Germany)
Research on climate change impacts in Quang Ngai Province; adaptive and response solutions.

2013 – 2015

State and provincial budget
Building the resilience capacity to natural disaster in coastal community in Vietnam

2013- 2015

Contribution to “Capacity Building for Implementation of National Climate Change Strategy” Project



7. Human Resources

a. Core staffs

The CCRC presently has 19 staffs working in climate change, environment and hydrology fields, including:

  • 02 Doctors;
  • 06 PhD students;
  • 04 Masters;
  • 07 Engineers and Bachelors.

Director: Dr. Do TienAnh

Dr. Do Tien Anh is the Acting Director of Climate change research Center. He has over 10 years experience in environmental technology, climate change and risk assessment. Dr. Do Tien Anh gained his PhD in Environmental Technology from the South Florida University, USA and Master degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. His publication record and affiliation across government and non government organizations and private industry position him well to bring environmental treatment technology to a diverse array of end users. Dr. Anh has recently implemented the development of advance technology model to sustainably and effectively treat the solid – liquid waste from abattoir in Ha Noi and some near provinces. Dr. Anh was also the leader of the project on NAMA design study in the waste sector: Waste to Resources for Cities in Viet Nam, in collaboration with UNESCAP.

Deputy Director: Dr. Tran Mai Kien

With 17-years of research and experiences in the field of global environmental change and climate change studies, Dr.Tran Mai Kien is currently a Deputy Director of Climate Change Research Center. His research interests and expertise range from climate change adaptation and mitigation, climate policy, green growth and sustainable development, disaster risk reduction, integrated water resources management (IWRM) and river basin management.

Up to November 2014, he was working as Senior Climate Change Programme Officer of Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) at the Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS) based in Vientiane, Lao PDR. He has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge about transboundary issues, including security, in the Lower Mekong region, has worked with number of governmental and non-governmental organizations/agencies in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Dr. Tran Mai Kien holds a University Degree in Medical Science and Public Health (1993), and a PhD in global environmental change and public health in Russian Federation (2000). He was awarded research grant and fellowship to conduct Post-Doctoral research on climate change and public health in Kyoto University, Japan (2008) and is author and peer reviewer of several international journals and books on climate change, disasters risk reduction and public health. He served as invited lecturer in several universities of Vietnam and presenter, facilitator, resource person/keynote speaker of number of international, regional and national conferences and workshops.

Currently he is contributing as national expert to adaptation component of the Vietnam Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to be submitted to the UNFCCC towards the COP21 in Paris. He had also contributed to the development and finalization of the “National Target Programme to Respond to Climate Change” (NTP.RCC) and the “Viet Nam National Strategy on Clean Development Mechanism”.

Deputy Director: MSc. Dang QuangThinh

Mr. Dang Quang Thinh has received his degree on Hydrology and Environment from Ha Noi Water Resources University in 2001. In 2010 he received his Master degree on Water science engineering at Institute for Water Education, UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands. Currently he is doing his PhD study at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research KIT/IMK-IFU, Germany.

MSc. Dang Quang Thinh has been CCRC Deputy Director since 2012. He has a wide range of expertise and many years of research and working experience in hydrology, water resource management and climate change issues. He worked on modelling in many subjects, including hydrology, sedimentation, water pollution, eutrophication and applications of modelling knowledge and skills in climate change and disasters risk assessment, adaptation planning.

Mr. Nguyen Van Dai – Head of Division for Climate Change Adaptation Research

Mr. Nguyen Van Dai educated in Hydrology in Ha Noi University of Natural Sciences. He specializes in the characterization and mechanics of integrated hydrological systems, using analytical techniques from engineering and hydrology. Mr. Dai currently performs hydrological modeling and analysis, climate change impact assessments, and data research and analysis. His work is concentrated in the areas of surface and groundwater hydrology, water balance and quality modeling.

Mr. Dai is currently the Head of Division for Climate Change Adaptation. He is the leader of many projects related to climate change impact assessment and adaptation measures, hydrological and environmental assessment. His duties included project formulation, design and implementation, arrangment and organization of field surveys and sampling excercises, technical assessment, data management and analyses, working with stakeholders and communities.

MSc. VuongXuanHoa – Head of Division for Climate Change Mitigation Research

MSc. Vuong Xuan Hoa holds a University degree in Energy Technology in 2006 and Master degree in Sustainable Development from University of New South Wales, Australia in 2013. He is an expert on climate change mitigation. As the Head of Head of Division for Climate Change Mitigation Research, Hoa has worked with the international and national organizations to inventory national GHG in Energy, Industrial Process and LULUCF fields and to examine cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. He was the leader of IMHEN’s group for the preparation of Vietnamese BUR 1. He has made numerous presentations on Renewable Energy and Climate Change mitigation to international and domestic audiences, including the UNESCAP.

MSc. Nguyen Le Giang

MSc. Nguyen Le Giang graduated from Hydrology and Environment Faculty of Hanoi Water Resources University in 2006 and did her Master on Water resources management of Cologne University of Applied Science from 2009 to 2011.

Since graduation, Giang has experienced years of work at such positions as Researcher in Center for Hydrology and Water resources and then Secretary cum Interpreter with the UNDP-funded project “Strengthening national capacities to respond to climate change in Vietnam, reducing vulnerabilities and controlling GHG emission” (CBCC project). At the moment, Giang is working for Division for Climate Change Adaptation as a researcher. She has involved in projects related to climate change impact assessment and adaptation measures, climate change mainstreaming and water resource management. She was also a co-author of Vietnam special report on managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation, published in 2015.

List of current staffs of Climate Change Research Center





Do Tien Anh Doctor on Environmental Technology


Tran Mai Kien Doctor on Environment


Dang Quang Thinh Master on Hydrology and Water resources, PhD student


Nguyen Thi Lieu Master on Geography, Economy and Society


Dao Minh Trang Master on Climate change


Nguyen Hoang Thuy Master on Ecological management


Vuong Xuan Hoa Master on Sustainable development


Nguyen Kim Tuyen Master on Hydrology


Nguyen Le Giang Master on Water resources management


Nguyen Phuong Thao Master on Natural Resources and Environmental Management


Nguyen Tu Anh Bachelor on Law


Nguyen Thi Hang Master on Hydrology


Nguyen Van Dai Bachelor on Hydrology


Hoang Tung Bachelor on Environmental economy


Phan Thi Dieu Huyen B. Eng on Hydrology


Do Thi Phuong Hoa Bachelor on Natural resources managementBachelor on development economics

Le Minh Trang B. Eng on Hydrology

b. Senior advisory board

Professor Dr. Tran Thuc

Professor Tran Thuc has over 30 years’ experience in hydrometeorology, environmental and disaster management, institutional capacity building, policy analysis, planning, management, monitoring, evaluation and development of environmental and water resource projects. His demonstrated abilities and experience include adoption and market transformation of sustainable technologies; formulation and preparation of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy and action plan; partnership building as a means to achieving adoption of integrated water resources management, and development and implementation of integrated multi-purpose watershed management plans; development and mentoring of environmental and water resource professionals; formulation and implementation of water resource and quality projects, coordinating and negotiating projects in climate change and watershed management in Vietnam. He is currently a Co-chair of Vietnam-US Working Group on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Thi Lan Huong

Dr. Huynh Thi Lan Huong is the Deputy Director General of Viet Nam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate change (IMHEN). Dr. Huong completed her PhD at IMHEN in Water resources Development from 2010. She also holds Master of Science and Bachelor of Engineering from Ha Noi Water resource University in Hydrology and Environment. She has participated in numerous projects on water resource management, environment and climate change. Dr. Huong has worked with the World Bank, UNDP, GIZ and numerous governmental organizations. Now she is the leader of working group on developing indicators for climate change adaptation to state management of climate change. Her knowledge of the science of climate change and her development of state-of-the-art tools in climate change assessments makes her an important player in any climate change risk and adaptation project.

8. Partners, Networks and Customers

The CCRC has been and is currently working with a broad network of international, regional and national partners on different climate change related programmes, initiatives, studies and research.

Some important partners of the CCRC include (but not limited to):


· Asia Disasters Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Asia Pacific Network (APN) for disasters reduction

· GIZ and the GIZ-NAMA project










· The World Bank

· Government of Ha Noi city (Ha Noi city People’s Committee) and Ha Noi Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE)

· Government of Quang Ngai, Tay Ninh, Can Tho city and other provinces and municipalities

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